
May 1, 2009

May 2009 Page Builders Club

This month we bring you My Mind's Eye paper & embellishments, with a little Basic Grey thrown in for good measure. My Mind's Eye papers are heavy weight, textured and double sided. The Basic Grey Offbeat collection is a perfect colour match!

I would post a photo of the May Bonus kit, but it sold out already to some fast-acting subscribers who saw the Sneak Peek. Membership has it's privileges! Showing it to you now just wouldn't be fair. :) But you can click on over to the home page if you feel it's necessary to torture yourself!

You'll love what guest designer Debby Visser has done with this kit! Debby is great at incorporating plenty of texture and dimension on her layouts. Her layouts are always eye-catching, yet they're not "overdone" or complicated. I love how she thinks up new ways to jazz up regular items. (Tip: if your sticker letters are the wrong colour, re-colour them with a marker before peeling them off the sheet.) And gosh, you would think she dressed her boys to match the paper on purpose ;)

This is a small sampling of the 8 pages and miscellaneous cards Debby made from this kit. Subscribers will see all of them in the kit newsletter. Drop me a line if you'd like to see a sample kit newsletter.

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