
May 6, 2011

One of the joys of not being "caught up" on scrapbooking...

I've always said that being caught up is highly overrated...too much stress involved in following a precise time line! Guilt about obvious "gaps" in picture taking...too much priority given to scrapping "events" instead of emotions, memories, themes and moments. (not that the events aren't important!) Anyhooooo.....

Last weekend I was not my usual organized self, and ended up grabbing a mystery box of photos while running out the door to a retreat. I had been hoping it contained some older photos, from the 80s, but it wasn't the right box. Instead, it contained photos of my kids when they were little, dating back 6, 7, 8 years...I was more than a little blown away to realize that my kids are now old enough to say "when they were little." I still think of them as little!

So I spent the first evening of the retreat sorting photos of my kids when they were preschoolers and babies, reminiscing about how darn cute they were, laughing about happenings I'd long forgotten.

{{{Think about that for a was less than 10 years ago, and the memories are already fading. If memories matter, then it's important to scrap them now, while they're fresh and while you're inspired.}}}

It was a fun trip down memory lane. I think most of the phots were outtakes and doubles from layouts I've already scrapped. But who cares?? I scrapped some of them again, in new combinations, with a new perspective. I scrapped photos from last month, last summer and eight summers ago.

I even scrapped some photos from the 70s.

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Don't just sit there...SCRAP SOMETHING!